Livability 22202

Pentagon City Phased Site Development Plan (Sector Plan)

Arlington County is initiating a new study to help guide future development for Pentagon City, with coordinated planning and transportation components. The study will help define Pentagon City’s capacity for future growth by evaluating alternative redevelopment scenarios and their resulting impacts on the capacity of the existing, committed, and planned transportation system, infrastructure, public spaces and community facilities.  This will result in a Plan Document, which conveys new land use policies, redevelopment principles, and supporting urban design guidelines for future growth within Pentagon City.

With the commitment of Amazon to develop their east coast headquarters in Arlington County, for the first time in its history, the 1976 Pentagon City Phased Development Site Plan (PDSP) is anticipated to approach full build out. Future growth will require additional development potential to be allocated by the County Board in order to enable redevelopment and/or major improvements. Since the fall of 2020, Arlington County has been leading a strategic community planning process for Pentagon City to reevaluate long-term goals for this important area with an emphasis on its transportation network. Informed by the community’s recent work on livability, the Planning Study includes broad participation from residents, businesses, community groups, and stakeholders. See the Project Page here for the latest information.

Livability22202 through the three civic associations has actively participated in the 18 month project and succeeded in obtaining a number of improvements to the plan. One of our members Ben Davanzo created a summary of the process from the AHCA perspective and status of responses to community concerns that can serve as an initial guide for those who have not been following the process. As the latest version 4 of the plan heads to the Arlington County Board on February 12, all 3 CAs have submitted comments that can be seen here: Arlington Ridge Civic Association; Aurora Highlands Civic Association; Crystal City Civic Association. You can also see the staff report for the County Board meeting here.


On October 31, 2020, Livability22202 submitted a number of slides during the submit-a-slide exercise for the Pentagon City Phased Development Site Plan Study. The slides were requested from a broad audience of Pentagon City stakeholders as a follow-up on something to discuss further at the workshop or new ideas. The Livability slides are posted here:

See the February 23, 2024, letter from Livability to Virginia Legislators on the Monumental Sports Arena